Bloom Buddies Babysitting

Andrea Costales


Lu Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Di
Journée complète
5 H - 9 H
9 H - 10 H
10 H - 11 H
11 H - 12 H
12 H - 13 H
13 H - 14 H
14 H - 15 H
15 H - 16 H
16 H - 17 H
17 H - 18 H
18 H - 19 H
19 H - 20 H
20 H - 21 H
21 H - 22 H
22 H - 23 H
23 H - 0 H
0 H - 5 H


Date de naissance 8-Oct-1964
Adresse 10 Allée de la Faisanderie
Téléphone 0689703***
Éducation Bachelors degree : Bac +3

Niveau de langue

English  Anglais

Français  Français

Réunion Engager


4+ ans

My experience of baby sitting while we are in the park i saw a child that was playing a ball that his nanny wouldnt mind him he was going thrugh the stagnant deep fond and being drown and submerge totally in the fond full of waterwent in the park play and see friends too do painting drawing singing karaoke I baby sit in Paris 12 Gare de lyon


I am smiley face and happy person I am dynamiquepatient calm person puntual initiative and ho My hobbies were singing karaoke bake cooking and sleeping i am diligent about my work My passion is loving and caring of children and dedicated to it. I learned english at school at home my mom sisters brothers and school maternelle II live in France


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