Bloom Buddies Babysitting

Laverne Domingo


Lu Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Di
Journée complète
5 H - 9 H
9 H - 10 H
10 H - 11 H
11 H - 12 H
12 H - 13 H
13 H - 14 H
14 H - 15 H
15 H - 16 H
16 H - 17 H
17 H - 18 H
18 H - 19 H
19 H - 20 H
20 H - 21 H
21 H - 22 H
22 H - 23 H
23 H - 0 H
0 H - 5 H


Date de naissance 14-Jul-1983
Adresse 14 rue mercoeur
75011 Paris
Téléphone 0603982***
Éducation Bachelors degree : Bac +3

Niveau de langue

English  Anglais

Français  Français

Réunion Engager


3 Years

I worked before in Dubai in nursery 1 year and 7 months and 2 years in Oman. We are preparing activities for children such as making sensory motor activities and singing for them nursery rhymes. I make sure also that the children is taking their milk or food on time. ................................................................................


I am 40 years old. I am from Philippines. I learn English since i was a child in our school and when I working in Dubai and Oman. I lived in Philippines since i was born until I moved in Dubai for work when i was 32 years old. I lived in Dubai for 5 years and Oman for 2 years. I love being with children..............................................


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