Bloom Buddies Babysitting

Sofia Velez Arroyave


Lu Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Di
Journée complète
5 H - 9 H
9 H - 10 H
10 H - 11 H
11 H - 12 H
12 H - 13 H
13 H - 14 H
14 H - 15 H
15 H - 16 H
16 H - 17 H
17 H - 18 H
18 H - 19 H
19 H - 20 H
20 H - 21 H
21 H - 22 H
22 H - 23 H
23 H - 0 H
0 H - 5 H


Date de naissance 25-Sep-1999
Adresse 114 rue salvador Allende
92000 Nanterre
Téléphone 766489***
Éducation NA

Niveau de langue

English  Anglais

Français  Français

Réunion Engager


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In Colombia I was babysitting in a foundation after the university and with my littles cousins. Last year in Rennes - France I was the babysitter of 2 kids (5 and 11 years old) we played a lot of games and also did some handicrafts. I love kids and spend time with them so that’s why I love be a babysitter.


I’m from Colombia I’m very passionate and fast learning I have a very big family. I lived in Canada during 6 months when I had 16 years old just for learned English in this moment I’m finishing my master in supply chain management in France and I’m looking for an internship


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