Bloom Buddies Babysitting

C Info Tech 2


Lu Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Di
Journée complète
5 H - 9 H
9 H - 10 H
10 H - 11 H
11 H - 12 H
12 H - 13 H
13 H - 14 H
14 H - 15 H
15 H - 16 H
16 H - 17 H
17 H - 18 H
18 H - 19 H
19 H - 20 H
20 H - 21 H
21 H - 22 H
22 H - 23 H
23 H - 0 H
0 H - 5 H


Date de naissance 10-Mar-1995
Adresse lorel ipsum
54000 Lahore
Téléphone lorel ip***
Éducation UMT

Niveau de langue

English  Anglais

Français  Français

Réunion Engager


2 Years

Babysitting has been a rewarding and enriching experience for me with each opportunity providing unique insights into the world of childhood and nurturing. One city where I had the privilege of babysitting was the vibrant and bustling city of Paris. What I appreciate most about babysitting is the genuine connection and trust that develops be


Hello! I am a person driven by curiosity and a passion for exploration. My personality is a blend of creativity adaptability and a deep appreciation for cultural diversity. One of my greatest passions is learning about different cultures and connecting with people from all walks of life. English being a global language has been a significant p


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