Bloom Buddies Babysitting

Caren Daoud


Lu Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Di
Journée complète
5 H - 9 H
9 H - 10 H
10 H - 11 H
11 H - 12 H
12 H - 13 H
13 H - 14 H
14 H - 15 H
15 H - 16 H
16 H - 17 H
17 H - 18 H
18 H - 19 H
19 H - 20 H
20 H - 21 H
21 H - 22 H
22 H - 23 H
23 H - 0 H
0 H - 5 H


Date de naissance 15-Nov-1998
Adresse 40 rue de paris
93260 Ile de France
Téléphone 0605783***
Éducation Toulouse School of Management

Niveau de langue

English  Anglais

Français  Français

Réunion Engager


2 Years

I was baby sitting children in my home country Lebanon during summer break to earn some extra money and also I was responsible for baby sitting my cousins since I was 17 years old. The most thing I like is taking care of a child and play with them so they won't be alone. for the fun activities I was drawing with them coloring and playing.


I am 24 years old turning 25 in a month. I lived whole my life in Lebanon and learned english since middle school and all of my university courses were taught in english and I moved last year to Toulouse where I finished my masters also in english. I love drawing and singing I also love doing some fun activities like hiking and swimming.


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